Meet The Staff: Interview with Darpan Sunwar
It’s been a while since we introduced you to one of our colleagues, and we know you like to be able to put a face to a name. So step forward this month’s interviewee – a member of our online team, Darpan.
30 Things To Do Before You’re 30
Let’s be honest: you can’t beat making a good old fashioned to-do list. Those of us approaching 30 have been having a think about what we might like to check off our bucket list before we reach our next birthday milestone. Have a read and let us know – what’s on your life to-do list?
Why Book a Gift Experience with Red Letter Days? [Video]
We’ve gone all poetic over on our YouTube channel today. Take a look at our latest animation to find out all the rhyming reasons why we’re your best bet when it comes to booking experience days: You can also watch some of our other short animations and videos here. Have a nice day…
Indian Hindu Wedding Ceremony – A Guide
Many of us attended the wedding of a Red Letter Days colleague recently. As a traditional Indian Hindu wedding ceremony differs so widely to that of an English wedding, we thought we’d share with you some of the various and fascinating aspects of the rituals we saw.
Happy Baking: Eric Lanlard’s Chocolate Brownie Recipe
There have been discussions online recently about whether baking can be good for your mental health. A few of us at the office love to bake – the measuring, the precision, the science, the waiting game and the sense of achievement – all of which can help concentration and take the mind off more stressful thoughts. So, can baking be good for the soul?
Back to School: Reasons to be Cheerful
The sun has almost set on this year’s summer holidays, which can only mean one thing – it’s back to school time. So to lend a helping hand, here are a few things which may inspire everyone to get excited about going back to the grind this September…