The Queen’s Birthday: Five Interesting Facts about Her Majesty
This Sunday marks the 87th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II. First proclaimed queen in 1952 at the age of 25, The Queen proudly celebrated her Diamond Jubilee last June, making her one of Britain’s longest serving monarchs. In keeping with The Queen’s Birthday celebrations, here are five interesting facts you may not know about Her Majesty… 1. The Queen celebrates two birthdays each year – her actual birthday on 21st April and her official Sovereign’s birthday on a Saturday in June, when there is likely to be fine weather. 2. During her reign, Queen Elizabeth II has delivered a public speech every Christmas except in 1969, where she personally decided…
Salt Awareness Week 2013 – Some Handy Seasoning Alternatives
As some of you may know, Monday 11th – Sunday 17th March is Salt Awareness Week. Run by the World Action On Salt and Health (WASH), this seven day stint of worldwide social events, community fundraising and media campaigning is geared towards highlighting the health implications of consuming too much salt and effective ways of reducing our daily sodium chloride intake. Predominantly produced from sea water, this tasty mineral is not only a chef’s best friend in the kitchen; its uses are endless – from the curing of meat and cheese manufacture, to textile dying and aluminium purification. But, munching too much salt can cause long-term health complications, so, with this…
Meet The Staff: Interview with Andrew Atkinson
Each month, we’ll be getting to know a member of the Red Letter Days staff a little bit better. This time it’s the turn of Andrew Atkinson, who works on the Bookings Team. What is your name? Andrew Atkinson. My parents almost named me Cedric but thought better of it, so I do have unusual middle names: Lesley Cedric. What is your job title? I’m a Customer Experience Executive. I work on the Bookings Team which means I liaise with our different partners to secure bookings and allocations for our customers. How long have you worked in Red Letter Days? It’ll be two years this March. What’s the best…
#loveRLD Prize Draw: Tweet Your Valentine’s Day and Win!
Click here to follow @RedLetterDaysUK on Twitter Terms and Conditions 1. By entering this free Twitter Prize Draw you agree to these Terms and Conditions. 2. This Prize Draw is open to residents of the UK and Eire, except for employees of Red Letter Days, their immediate family members, or anyone else associated with this Prize Draw. 3. You must be over 18 years of age to enter. 4. The prize is a £150 Red Letter Days gift voucher – redeemable for the amount against a booking made on the Red Letter Days website. In order to redeem your prize, you can register your voucher here https://www.redletterdays.co.uk/Redeem or call on…
Winter Sports: Places to Go to Embrace Ice and Snow
As much as snow gives everything a beautiful glow, the threat of it can cause a feeling of dread among busy workers, tired commuters or parents on the hectic school run. Snow can almost bring our entire country to a standstill within a matter of frosty hours, but if embraced in the right way, it also offers an incredible amount of fun and excitement! If you’re thinking of fleeing the cold for some well-deserved sun, why not flip the idea on its head and get knee deep in snow for a week of après-ski and thrilling winter sports? Here are a few great ski areas and resorts which are sure…
Winter Style and Fashion Ideas for 2013
When the cold weather comes along, so do a whole new range of fashion choices – mostly involving wool, layers and looking like the Michelin man! Here is our brief guide to dressing for the cold – what to avoid and what will keep you feeling warm and looking hot this winter. 1. Avoid: Socks and Sandals One to avoid at all costs – When there’s ice on the ground, it’s time to put the sandals away. I don’t care how nice your socks are! You’re better off with some big winter boots and when it comes to socks – put two on. 2. Embrace: Faux Fur Fur is a…