St David's Day Recipes
Occasions & Gifting

Two Tasty St David’s Day Recipes

On Sunday, Wales will come alive with St David’s Day celebrations. From Cardiff to Colwyn, people of all ages will be honouring the life and times of their patron saint, while enjoying a good old get together with friends and family.

If you’re thinking of getting in the spirit of things on Sunday but are a little stuck for ideas, why not whip up a lovely meal by following these tasty St David’s Day recipes…

Leek soup is one of many traditional St David's Day recipes.

Traditional Leek Soup

Along with daffodils, the leek is one of the most iconic of all Welsh national symbols. Of course daffodils aren’t edible, but leeks certainly are – and as a hearty St David’s Day starter, soup is guaranteed to go down well!


For the stock…

  • One grated onion
  • One grated carrot
  • Two grated celery sticks
  • Two chopped garlic cloves
  • Parsley stalks
  • Salt and pepper

For the soup…

  • One finely chopped onion
  • 200g potatoes, peeled and chopped into cubes
  • 350g chopped celeriac
  • One sprig of thyme (leaves only)
  • Four finely sliced leeks
  • One bunch of chopped chives
  • Olive oil


  1. For the stock, place the onion, carrot, celery and parsley into a large heatproof bowl. Add a pinch of salt and pepper and pour in just over a litre of boiling water. Allow to steep for 10 – 15 minutes.
  2. Heat a large saucepan or casserole dish, add a dash of oil, and once hot, throw in the potatoes, celeriac, onions and thyme leaves.
  3. Strain the stock to the mix and add to the saucepan, or casserole dish; simmer gently for 15 minutes. Add leeks and cook for a further five minutes until tender.
  4. Remove the mix from heat and blend in small batches until it’s all completely smooth. Re-heat if necessary, garnish with chopped chives, serve with crusty bread and tuck in!

Shoulder of lamb is a traditional st david's day recipes and often the main course of the meal!

Roast Shoulder of Lamb with Herbs and Honey

One thing Wales is certainly known for is lamb, making it an essential part of any St David’s day celebration. This rustic dish offers a delicious alternative to the traditional pot roast and it’s unlikely anyone will be hungry after eating it.


  • 1.4kg trimmed shoulder of lamb
  • A handful of dried camomile
  • 1/2 bunch of fresh thyme leaves
  • Four sprigs of fresh rosemary
  • 12 roughly chopped sage leaves
  • A tablespoon of dried oregano
  • The juice of one lemon
  • Salt and pepper
  • A tablespoon of Greek or wild flower clear honey
  • Olive oil
  • Water


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 200C (or gas mark four). Using the tip of a sharp knife, make shallow scores over the skin and fat of the lamb shoulder.
  2. Mix the thyme, dried camomile, sage, oregano and rosemary in a bowl, before seasoning with salt and pepper. Grab a large handful of the herb mixture and rub it over the flesh of the lamb.
  3. Sprinkle some more of the herb mix over the bottom of a casserole dish, place the lamb into the dish and squeeze in the lemon juice. Drizzle the honey and a little olive oil over the lamb, add water (around 125ml) and close the lid of the dish.
  4. Place in the oven and cook for around two and a half hours, topping up the water if required (it may all evaporate).
  5. Remove from oven and allow to stand for five minutes. Pull large pieces away from the bone, arrange on a large serving plate, pour over pan juices and allow guests to load up their own plates! Serve with potatoes and your choice of vegetables.

The Welsh Dragon on the flag of Wales.

We hope you enjoy these mouthwatering St David’s Day recipes. If they have inspired you to brush up your skills in the kitchen, take a look at our rustic range of River Cottage culinary experiences.

 Happy St David’s Day!

 images:plaid cymru, jocelyn McAuley and amanda slater via flickr

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