Seven Solid Reasons to Be Cheerful
Spring is now within reaching distance, but it’s not quite here yet but we’ve had a think and come up with seven reasons to be cheerful.
After a long, cold winter, waiting for things to brighten up can be frustrating – but it’s not all bad.
It may still be cold but at least warmer weather and longer days and nights are on their way!
1. The evenings may still seem like they last forever, but it no longer gets pitch black before 5pm. A sign of progress!
2. Those rainy days allow you to sit inside and read or watch films all day without feeling guilty for not being outside.
3. As it doesn’t get light stupidly early, you’ve a greater chance of waking up to an eye-pleasing sunrise.
4. It’s no longer freezing cold, but it’s not particularly mild either. This means you can mix your winter and spring wardrobe up without feeling uncomfortable.
5. This is a great time of year to plan exciting things for the next 10 months. If you’re looking for something exciting to do when it’s warmer, check out our exclusive SummerSpeed event at Brand’s Hatch, which takes place this August.
6. It’s ‘Hoodie-Hoo‘ Day in America! Hopefully this video will explain…
7. At this point in the year, you still have all of the public holidays to look forward to – and surely that’s a reason to be cheerful?
We hope that this has brightened up your day. If you’re looking to try something new and exciting this year, take a look at our full range of adventure experiences.
Images: Ann Ostee and paul via flickr