RLD’s very own Willow Warrior
Team RLD’s Affiliate Marketing Executive Gemma has gone all out this year to support our charity partner Willow. By the end of 2015 she will have participated in over 10 gruelling challenges to raise money for the fantastic cause. Read on to find out what RLD’s very own Willow Warrior – Gemma has been up to!
Gemma kicked off her year of charity challenges by getting muddy at the Warrior Adrenaline Race in April where she had to tackle giant steps, zip lines and water obstacles, to name a few things along the 10k route. She had initially planned to only do this race and the Mount Snowdon climb in June but was soon addicted to the adrenaline of completing the challenges and signed herself up for many, many more!

Gemma has built up her incredible fitness and strength to participate in these races over the year with the help of Regiment Fitness and has even been nominated for Most Enthusiastic Member at the Regiment Christmas Party awards. With a fitness addiction now in full swing, next on her hit list was the Hatfield Broad Oak 10k. This road race has been an annual event in the medieval village setting, over the May bank holiday weekend since 1985.

In June, Gemma participated in no less than three more challenges including Climb Snowdon, Willow Warriors Race and the Pretty Muddy 5k, pushing herself to her limits by climbing mountains, running through mud and dodging paint guns all in the name of charity fundraising.

July saw Gemma participate in two more 10k races including the Epping 10k and the Tab10 endurance race where she had to race cross-country whilst carrying a bergen (honestly, we do not know how she does it!)

As of writing, Gemma has just one challenge left, almost having completed her epic year of fundraising for Willow with the half marathon and Nuclear Fall Out now successfully behind her. No-one can blame her for being excited at the prospect of her races finishing, ready as she rightly put it “To celebrate in style at the Willow Ball” in November.

Please get behind Gemma and her fantastic achievements by heading over to Gemma’s Just Giving Page to sponsor her!
IMAGES: RLD and Willow