Four Alternative Winter Sports
This time of year there’s no avoiding the cold, rain and those long wintry evenings that never seem to end. But it’s not all bad…
Where there’s snow, there’s the opportunity to enjoy a host of action-packed and adrenaline fueled winter sports. Most of us know about skiing and snowboarding, but if you’d like to try something a little different, check out our run down of alternative Winter sports and things to do in the snow:
Snow Scooting
Snow scooting looks pretty much exactly the same as it sounds – and it’s great fun and a perfect example of some of the alternative Winter sports out there.
Basically like a BMX on skis, this free-flowing way of riding the slopes is now incredibly popular across Europe and is currently starting to make waves in the USA.
Telemark Skiing
Telemark skiing isn’t new – in fact it was invented back in 1868 by Norwegian farmer Sondre Norheim.
This elegant form of skiing allows the rider’s heel to leave the back of their bindings and flex their knees, making it an exciting mix of cross-country and downhill.
Dog Sledding
Dog sledding has played a key role in human exploration for hundreds of years and is a common sight in almost every big ski resort around the world.
A fun and exciting way of sightseeing, it also offers a taste of what it’s really like to set off on a great snow-based expedition.
Snow Kiting
Snow kiting is ideal for experienced skiers or snowboarders looking for a maximum adrenaline rush.
It involves whizzing down a mountain attached to a specially-designed kite and taking off at any given opportunity – an unforgettable thrill ride!
Do you want to get out there and take on a new challenge? Have a look at our exciting range of adventure activities.
Image: Reno Tahoe via Flickr