Christmas Leftovers – Tips from Red Letter Days
There are plenty of exciting ways to deal with Christmas meal leftovers to persuade family and friends back to the table for more. Read on for three super quick and easy recipes and tips from Red Letter Days staff that give a new lease of life to turkey, leftover greens and Christmas pudding once the big day is a distant memory.
Brooke has shared her tasty way to use up the big bird “Turkey, it’s never ending isn’t it? Long after Christmas Day, does this huge bird still have a larger than life presence in your kitchen? Don’t let it weigh you down. My turkey noodle soup is a winner.
Issy’s bubble and squeak recipe is one she uses all year round. “After cooking a roast at the weekend, this recipe always varies according to the ingredients available, but it’s a sure fire way to know nothing is wasted and gives me something tasty for work on Monday”
Andrea’s recipe for Christmas pudding has been tested by many of us in the office and is a universal favourite. “Christmas pudding can be a bit like Marmite, being loved and hated in equal measure. The addition of ice cream, cinnamon and chopped nuts from my recipe gives it an extra dimension and even haters of Christmas pud have been unable to resist”
We hope our quick and easy takes on some leftover ideas give you food for thought and something new to offer your friends and family after Christmas this year. We’ll be doing all over again in around 365 days…
IMAGES: Special Collections Toronto Public Library Flickr (featured image), Maria Garcia Flickr, Public Domain,