Team RLD compete in the Willow Warrior 2015 challenge.

Willow Warrior 2015: Muddy Madness

On Sunday a group of brave RLD staffers took part in Willow Warrior 2015, an obstacle course race of 5km and 10km, all in the name of raising awareness and funds for our official charity partner Willow, who provide Special Days for seriously ill young adults in the UK. Read on to find out more!

Willow Warrior 2015 - certified tough

Mud was definitely the main component of the day, and the tough obstacles pushed even the fittest team members to their limits. One unlucky staffer even lost a shoe just one kilometer into the race. But, in true RLD style he still managed to complete the other nine kilometers in full force.

Here’s a shiny ‘before’ picture:

Our Willow Warriors for Willow Warrior 2015.

And, a very muddy ‘after’ picture:

A very muddy team RLD after they have completed Willow Warrior 2015.

To see how they got that dirty, watch the warriors in action below:

And it was all worth it! The team managed to raise £940, a whopping £340 more than the target for the Willow Warrior 2015. Way to go Willow Warriors!


Team RLD during the Willow Warrior 2015 race.
If you look closely at the image on the left, you’ll see the unlucky soul searching for his shoe in the mud.

Images: RLD and Willow on Twitter

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