Say No to Your New Year Resolution
Old habits die hard. At the start of each New Year, we tell ourselves that we’re going to lose weight, cut out fast food, quit drinking, stop eating chocolate…the list goes on.
Of course it’s good to be productive, fit and healthy, but by desperately trying to cut out the things we love or achieve impossible milestones in a short space of time, we almost set ourselves up for failure. This year, why not say no to your New Year resolution and do things a little differently?
Flip Your New Year Resolution on its Head
If you like chocolate, maybe you should try a chocolate workshop and learn how to make it; if you’re an ale fanatic, you could step into the shoes of a brewer for the day.
The point is, if you’re thinking about giving something up, why not go the other way and learn more about your vice. Not only is it a good way of experiencing something new, it’s a lot more fun than a boring old New Year resolution.
Did you know? In Japan, people decorate their homes for the New Year with pine branches – said to symbolize longevity.
Have Fun Getting Fit
Some of the most popular New Year resolutions are getting fit and losing weight. Being fit and healthy is incredibly important but many of us set ourselves unrealistic goals…
Rather than telling yourself you’re going to only eat greens and go to the gym four times a week for the next 10 years, start off small and work your way up. Begin by adding 15 extra minutes of walking to your daily commute, or taking the stairs instead of the lift, and then pick a fun weekly activity that you will actually enjoy. This will ensure that you actually keep fit, rather than giving up after two weeks.
Did you know? 60% of the UK’s gym memberships are actually unused.
Try New Things
A New Year resolution has the power to restrict or pressurise, which is definitely not good.
Rather than making a ‘to do and don’t’ list as long as your arm, why not open yourself up to the possibility of trying something new. This could be as small as picking up a pencil and doing some doodles or as big as soaring through the sky during a hot air ballooning ride.
Did you know? Drinking champagne after a hot air balloon flight originated to appease farmers for using their land as a launch site.
To summarise, aim to get fit; try and cut down on the things that are bad for you; do try and achieve great things…but do it on your own terms.
Now you are in the mood to try something new in 2015, take a look at our full range of great gift experiences.
Whatever you decide to do this year, we wish you the best of luck!
Images:Sally Mahoney, henry burrows, visitflanders, chris, paul and garrett heath via flickr