Love Gestures for the Romantically Challenged
While our favourite Hollywood heroes make expressing how you feel look easy, for the rest of us, it can sometimes be a bit more complicated.
Whether you’re trying to impress a new beau, treat your long-term love, or just want to let someone know you haven’t gone off them yet, here are four ways to say “you’re brilliant” when you’re stuck for words.
1. Let the view do the talking
London’s biggest (literally) attraction opened to the public today, providing lucky visitors with the tallest talking point in Europe. The views from The Shard are pretty much unrivalled, but if the view alone doesn’t say what you can’t, then a game of London-wide ‘I spy’ is bound to quell any awkward silences. Grab your tickets here.
2. Make the music happen
Although poetry worked for Rabbie Burns and Mr. Shakespeare, we think it’s best to leave the rhyming to the pros and instead use someone else’s efforts. Why not go old school and revive the art of the retro mix tape? It can help you say as much or as little as you’d like – but pick your lyrics carefully.
3. Woo-Woo them with a personalised drinks menu
If your creative flair is limited to the drinks cabinet, this is the suggestion for you. Simply turn your kitchen into a bar, with a menu of drinks inspired by your loved one. Remember to use your imagination: if a ‘Jen and Tonic’ or ‘Tina Colada’ doesn’t impress the socks off them, nothing will.
4. Indulge their weird hobby
Whether it’s a love of musical theatre, a passion for owls or a Hogwarts obsession verging on the extreme, instead of leaving your partner to go it alone this weekend, try giving up a day to try something they like. You might not come away with a new found love for Abba, but you will win some brownie points – and that’s what it’s all about.
How would you say “You’re brilliant”?
Images via morguefile and naturegeak (Flickr creative commons)