Hot Air Ballooning Month
Throughout August 2016, we’re going to be full of hot air, because our theme is HOT AIR BALLOONING. Aboard a wicker basket that floats gently and quietly in the sky, beneath a colourful balloon envelope powered by propane burners really is the most spectacular way to fly.
The hot air balloon season runs from around April – October (depending on the British weather, ahem!) and Red Letter Days balloons have been spotted and snapped out and about (as well as being immortalised indoors as wallpaper in the picture below shows, with our owners Peter Jones and Theo Paphitis). Please keep those shots coming into our Twitter and Facebook feeds, we never know where our balloons will turn up next!
You can expect hot air balloon theme blog posts from us throughout the month. We’ll be at Bristol Balloon Fiesta (the biggest annual hot air balloon festival in Europe) which promises to be better than ever this year. Artist Luke Jerram is creating a bold installation called Museum of the Moon featuring a 7 metre inflated and internally lit moon which should take everyone’s breathe away. The piece showcases at the fiesta before going on tour.
Tune in tomorrow as we kick off with a hot air balloon themed competition in partnership with our friends at The History Press to get your creative juices flowing. Stay tuned to the blog and our social media channels for galleries, videos, interviews, facts, Pinterest collages, Snapchat, Periscope and more. Be lifted up, up and away with Red Letter Days!
Our thanks to the artist Rochelle Lucy who created this stunning painting of the Red Letter Days’ balloon over Leeds Castle.
IMAGES: RLD, Luke Jerram, Rochelle Lucy