10 Interesting Valentine’s Day Facts
The countdown to Valentine’s Day has begun.
Over the next week, lots of people will be rushing around like headless chickens in an attempt to find the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for their loved one.
If you’re currently looking for romantic inspiration, or just a bit of a distraction, here are 10 lesser known Valentine’s Day facts for your reading pleasure…
1. In Victorian times it was considered bad luck to sign a Valentine’s Day card.
2. On average, 15% of US women send themselves flowers on Valentine’s Day.
3. 14th February was once also known as Singles Awareness Day – it’s now celebrated on 15th February instead!
4. According to recent retail statistics, around 3% of animal owners give Valentine’s gifts to their pets.
5. Around this time each year, the Italian city of Verona (the place where Shakespeare’s lovers Romeo and Juliet lived) receives up to 1,000 letters addressed to Juliet.
6. Before St Valentine’s Day became popular, the day of love was actually celebrated on St Gregory’s Day, St Vincent’s Day or St Anthony’s Day.
7. In Finland, Valentine’s Day is actually called Friends Day – a celebration of buddies rather than loved ones.
8. In Medieval times, it was customary for women to eat bizarre foods in hope that it would make them dream about their future spouse.
9. Valentine’s Day and all of its traditions (even the colour red!) are officially banned in Saudi Arabia.
10. According to studies, the average person will fall in love seven times before they decide to tie the knot.
We hope you enjoyed these festive Valentine’s Day facts. If you’re still trying to figure out what to buy for your loved one, why not get one of our bespoke Valentine’s Day gift cards and let them choose for themselves – it’s guaranteed to go down well.
Next week we’re launching an exciting Valentine’s themed social media competition – keep your eyes peel for a chance to win a fantastic prize to share with your loved one.
Images: michelle B, kristina may, ms. PHOENIX and jpellgen via flickr