Seven Ways To Enjoy Sober October
There are still 11 days until the end of the month and we thought all you people taking part in Sober October might be starting to flag.
Here are seven ideas to make the rest of Sober October spectacularly satisfying:
1. Soak Up a Bit of Nature – Waking up with no hangover on the weekend means you can walk through a forest, saunter down a beach or climb a hill to see a gorgeous view before some people have even had their breakfast!
2. Clear Your To-Do List – Everyone has a little list of things they keep putting off – what would make you feel more triumphant than completing Sober October with a clear list!
3. Have an Autumn Clean – Having a clear head everyday is the perfect opportunity to have an autumnal clear-out – get rid of those knick-knacks you don’t need and push the summer clothes to the back of the wardrobe.
4. Enjoy Being Designated Driver – Take your friends to a remote country pub to have Sunday lunch or visit a picturesque town or village for a bit of exploring. You choose – the designated driver always gets their way!
5. Treat Yourself – Cutting out alcohol means you’ll have a few extra pounds in your purse – have fun choosing what you’re going to spend all that extra cash on! Why not reward yourself with a pamper day or finally plan that bungee jump you always wanted to do.
6. Try an Alcohol Free Tipple – Sick of orange juice? Non alcoholic beer or wine is a bit of a novelty, kind of feels like the real thing and is also a LOT cheaper.
7. Feel Amazing – Not drinking makes you richer, healthier, can help you lose weight, gives you more energy, the list goes on! Enjoy it.
Are you taking part in Sober October?
Images from Kia Kruse, Cristian Bortes, Tom Ray and Images Money via Flickr.