Re-Invent Santa Claus
Santa Claus, Father Christmas or even Papa Noel – whatever you call him, we all have the same image of the white bearded, robust bellied man in a red jacket who rides around in a sleigh with reindeer. We asked some of Team RLD and friends to re-invent Santa with a modern twist and here is what they came up with.
International Santa
Our lovely friend Claire Williams from Aloha Lola Cards draws bespoke caricatures and illustrations and her Santa is an international one, mixing his traditional red suit up with some bright blue gloves and an international print. Santa’s enchanted sleigh has been turned into his own personal passport. The flags represent each country Santa has delivered toys to on his exciting Christmas journey.
Action Santa
With so many action packed Red Letter Days experiences to deliver, it’s only appropriate that Santa is as adrenaline fueled as the gifts he must distribute. Action Santa prefers to sky dive, use a helicopter or even uses a hot air balloon to help him deliver his many gifts around the globe.
Zen Santa
Zen Santa embraces a lifestyle which incorporates mediation, yoga and Pilates throughout the year to counteract the busy festive season he experiences annually. Zen Santa is a reminder to families across the world to remain calm during the hectic festive season.
Hipster Santa
Hipster Santa is the great, great, great, great grandson of Santa Claus himself. This modern day Santa sports a hipster vibe complete with festive tattoos. He also has all the latest technology, including an iPad, to help streamline his mammoth Christmas work load.
Bankrupt Santa
With so many presents to buy its no wonder that Santa is now bankrupt. Eager to please all the boys and girls around the world and keep up the Christmas cheer, Santa has had to declare himself bankrupt. It seems the credit crunch has even affected the man in the red coat, at least he still has his beloved Rudolph to help him through these hard times.
Now its over to you! How would you #ReinventSanta? Share your festive creations with us via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for your chance to win one of two £50 RLD voucher. There are two prizes up for grabs – so get doodling!
Images with thanks to: Claire Williams, Hayley Lewis, Jess Brown, Santa Claus via Instagram and Rachael Stow