As it’s #FlashbackFriday, we thought it would be interesting to take a look back at Christmas through the ages and see just how things change as the years go by.
We’ve delved into the depths of the archives and found some photos from way back when, as well as looking into our own personal photo albums and finding some that are perhaps not quite as historic, but just as classic.
Take a look, these photos pretty much speak for themselves!
1925: A giant sequoia located in King’s Canyon National Park in California was named America’s official national Christmas tree. This stands at over 90 metres (300 feet) high.
1928: Outdoor Christmas lights were only just being introduced to the public, even though the first electric tree lights had been demonstrated 45 years earlier.
1930s: Two significant Christmas traditions began in the 1930s. People began buying their Christmas trees from Christmas-tree farms rather than finding them in forests and the practice of leaving out cookies for Father Christmas became far more wide spread.
1950: At the time…according to the Guinness world records, the tallest ever Christmas tree was cut this year – a 221-foot Douglas fir that was on show at the Northgate Shopping Center in Seattle, Washington.
Gemma from Red Letter Days enjoys a classic 90s Christmas in these photos.
1990s: The Spice Girls had three consecutive Christmas number 1s in ‘96, ‘97 and ‘98.
1995: This year, the Coca‑Cola Christmas trucks were first created by agency W.B. Doner for the company’s new seasonal advertising campaign.
Red Letter Days’ Andy Ling poses for the classic Christmas Tree shot (far right, for those who are wondering!)
Why not have your own #FlashbackFriday and take a look through those classic family Christmas photo albums!
Do you have a favourite nostalgic photo? We’d love to hear all about your memories!
Flickr: Don O’Brien, Don O’Brien, Don O’Brien, Orange County Archives