Father’s Day: Our Favourite Dad Blogs
No doubt you’ll already know what Sunday is (hint: it’s Father’s Day), so all this week we’ll be showing a bit of love to the dads – and we’re starting online.
So whether you want to get the male point of view on parenting, or just fancy a quick read on your lunch break, we’ve picked some brilliant dad blogs from across the internet to get you started.
Expect humourous insights, useful tips, toddler tantrums, teenage angst, good writing and a dash of fatherly wisdom…
It’s A Dad’s Life – http://www.itsadadslife.co.uk/blog/
David lives in Scotland with his wife and two year old daughter Olivia (with another on the way in September). We like his refreshingly honest take on day-to-day life and those little memorable moments.
Belfast Dad – http://belfastdad.com/
Documenting not only the trials and tribulations of fatherhood, watching CBeebies and a love of music, this blog also offers first-hand advice on travelling with babies and, most importantly, where to find the TV remote when there’s a toddler in the house.
Cabbage Dan – http://cabbagedan.com/
Yorkshire man Dan doesn’t actually like cabbages, but he does take a very nice photo. As well as being handy with a DSLR camera, Dan writes about life with his wife, three kids, a flock of chickens and, well, the occasional board game. There’s the odd heartfelt letter in there, too.
Reluctant Housedad’s Recipe Shed – http://reluctanthousedad.com
We like a good foodie feast here at Red Letter Days, so dad-of-three Keith’s move into food blogging is right up our street. As well as reviews and recipes, you’ll find kid friendly meals and, if you dig back through the archives, the insightful musings of a man who had to reluctantly embrace life as a house-dad.
Dad Down Under – http://daddownunder.wordpress.com/
Another dad with a foodie streak, Matt Ross – husband to Mrs Under and father to The Boy – moved from the UK to Melbourne in 2008. As well as the handy parenting tips, recipe suggestions and amusing anecdotes, we love the honest and funny look at life as a young stay-at-home dad.
Best Dad I Can Be – http://bestdadicanbe.com/
Life with teenagers could never be described as dull, as Mark Richard knows. He’s been documenting the life of his family both in print and online for the last ten years, and if you’ve got teenagers in the house, his stories about piles of washing, driving lessons and snarky remarks will probably be familiar.
Shouty Dad – http://www.shoutydad.com/
While day-to-day life can be boring, Shouty Dad manages to turn everyday details into a string of funny, revealing and oh-so-true posts covering everything from book reviews to saying sorry. Parents will no doubt be able to relate – right down to the tagline: “it must be time for a glass of wine”.
Whiskey for Aftershave http://whiskeyforaftershave.com/
“JallieDaddy” writes about life as a slightly older stay at home dad and the often moving, inspirational moments that his three year old twins, Jack and Ellie, treat him to every day. You can find out more about his unusual blogging name, too…
Have you got any favourite dad blogs? Let us know!