The Bloggers Blog Awards – Meet Our Winners
This year, Red Letter Days decided to get involved with something really special: the Bloggers Blog Awards, in Leeds. As dedicated bloggers ourselves, we know just how tricky and time-consuming producing great content can be, and how many people blogs entertain, touch and inform. Yep, it’s fair to say we appreciate a good blog!
The awards ceremony was born last year to highlight and celebrate some of the best UK-based blogs, brainchild of top beauty blogger, triangle lover and gin connoisseur Hayley, who runs Tea Party Beauty. Open to everyone and judged by fellow bloggers, it was a complete success and popular demand saw it return this year, in association with jewellery specialists JewelleryBox. This year categories were introduced, to split blogs up by theme. We decided to sponsor the Best Dating or Relationships Blog category.
Dating and relationship issues are something we’re pretty confident everyone can relate to. It can be hard to write about personal experiences (especially when family members might be reading!) and give tough advice where needed, but our winner and runner-up have both struck the right balance. Let’s find out more about both of these amazing writers.
Vix Meldrew!
In her own words, Vix Meldrew is Vicky; a happily single, late-twenties *cough* 30 *cough* teacher, blogger and internet best bud. We got to know her a bit better through some cheeky questions:
RLD: How did it feel to be a winner at the Bloggers Blog Awards?
VIX: I am so competitive, I was super relieved to have won – would’ve been in a foul mood otherwise! In all seriousness, the entire blog community got behind my blog and have supported me all year, so it was a fantastic show of that.
RLD: How did you get into blogging?
VIX: I had been a huge fan of blogging for years. I found myself in a miserable relationship and having a tough time at work so I needed a creative outlet. And I can’t draw for toffee!
RLD: On to dating questions: if your love life was a film, what film would it be?
VIX: A complete disaster? Titanic?
RLD: Do you think dating apps and sites have made our love lives easier?
VIX: It’s made it WAY easier to meet people, but I feel it’s made it more complicated to find someone genuine. It’s completely a numbers game.
RLD: What was the best date you ever had?
VIX: I like it when guys really pay attention to an interest or passion of mine, so being taken to the theatre and to an improvised comedy night were great dates.
RLD: What RLD experience do you think would make the best winter date?
VIX: I think a cosy country pub stay, or a spa, would be a cosy and relaxing way to get to know someone.
Sex & London City – Nixalina!
In her own words: Nixalina is a 29 year old Kent girl working in the Big Smoke, and Founder an Editor of Sex & London City. Here’s our little Q and A with her:
RLD: Congrats on being nominated – how does it feel?
NIX: Being nominated for any award always feels incredible. To know people actually take the time to vote never gets old. I’m always shocked when people tell me how much they love my articles… I still feel like I must be the only person who reads them! I can’t thank everyone enough for voting, not just for me, but for any blogger. It makes the hard work pay off.
RLD: Is blogging a full-time job for you?
NIX: It’s certainly getting there! I resigned from my full-time position in summer as I was overloaded with blog work and struggling to find enough hours in the day. Being a full-time blogger is the ultimate dream so I’m really happy I’m well on the way!
RLD: What are you most looking forward to about Christmas?
NIX: I’ll admit I’m a summer girl, but this year I’m so excited about Christmas. I can’t wait to put my decorations up and watch my cat tear them down again every day. I think I just love the cosy nights in with my girls and doing obvious things like ice skating and Winter Wonderland. Plus, we can all just enjoy eating warm stodgy food again and not worry about the bikini body. YAY!
RLD: What Red Letter Days experience would you give as a festive gift?
NIX: It would be a luxury spa day for a female, or a premium thrill experience for a male. I know so many girlies in need of some pamper time. Either that or an afternoon tea experience so I can join in with the fun!
RLD: On to dating questions: if your love life was a film, what film would it be?
NIX: Now this is a great question. Unfortunately I’m going to have to go with ‘How to lose a guy in 10 days’. She is literally me. Sorry, not sorry boys.
RLD: If you had to give one piece of dating advice for the rest of your life, what would it be?
NIX: Chill the hell out about finding love. I was borderline desperate in my mid twenties, trying to find the love of my life. But this attitude attracts the complete opposite. Being single isn’t a curse, it’s not a reflection on how you are as a partner and it doesn’t mean you’re undesirable. So breathe, and chill out.
For more relationship and dating advice, check out Vix Meldrew and Nixalina’s Sex & London City blogs.
Images: Vix Meldrew via Instagram, Nixalina via Instagram, Tea Party Beauty via Instagram