30 Things To Do Before You’re 30
Let’s be honest: you can’t beat making a good old fashioned to-do list.
Those of us approaching 30 have been having a think about what we might like to check off our bucket list before we reach our next birthday milestone.
Have a read and let us know – what’s on your life to-do list?
- Go on a road trip
- Visit a brand new city
- Learn a watersport
- Have a movie marathon
- Go to an ice bar
- Complete a 10km run
- See a West End show
- Clear out your wardrobe and buy a new one
- Learn to drive or ride a motorbike
- Go vegetarian or vegan for a month
- Crowdsurf
- Take a hot air balloon ride
- Do something crazy for charity
- Dye your hair
- Go to a football match
- Conquer a fear
- Go wild at karaoke
- Stay in a fancy hotel
- Complete a hedge maze
- Bike around London
- Climb a mountain
- Do a skydive or bungee jump
- Go skinny dipping
- Paint a canvas
- Go to a festival
- Experience a new cuisine
- Go camping (festivals don’t count!)
- Bake and decorate a cake
- Have a picnic somewhere unexpected
- Visit a new country.
How many things on our list have you done? What would be on your list?
Images from Daniel Horatio Agostini, w00kie, Priten Vora, Juan Barredo, The Bunny Maker and akademy via Flickr.

Priten Vora (MasterPpv)
Hey guys! Thanks a bunch for giving me credit for my crowd surfing photo! I’m glad you liked it enough to want to use it here! =)
No problem, it’s a great picture! We hope you liked the post :)
Priten Vora (MasterPpv)
Thank you! You’re too kind! ^_^ And I certainly did! Definitely putting some of these on my own bucket list! ;)