Book Giveaway: Win a Copy of Taking The Fall by A.P. McCoy *closed*
*Thank you for all your entries! All 20 books have all now been claimed.*
Love a good book? Today’s your lucky day.
Congratulations are in order following champion jockey A.P. McCoy’s historic 4000th win at Towcester yesterday. And now it’s your chance to win one of 20 free copies of Taking The Fall, his brand new book.
But like all good races, you’ve got to be quick. So keep reading to find out how you can grab your copy…
As well as chasing his 4000th win as a champion jockey, A.P. McCoy has been busy penning a brand new thriller.
Taking the Fall introduces mega talented rider Duncan Claymore, who struggles to realise the success his abilities so clearly deserve. His professional and personal lives collide in this engaging read that keeps you glued to the final page.
If you want to get your hands on one of 20 brand new hardback copies of the book – simply leave us a comment below, recommending a winning book of your own and telling us why you love it.
The first 20 people to do that will win, so spread the word, and don’t forget to leave us a valid e-mail address so we can get in touch with you.
On your marks, get set…GO!
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The prize is a copy of A. P. McCoy’s book, Taking The Fall
To enter this giveaway, no purchase is necessary. Users will be asked to comment on the blog post with their own book recommendation.
This opportunity is open to the first 20 comments that appear on this blog post meeting the above requirements – only one entry per person.
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Promoter: Red Letter Days Ltd, 77 Muswell Hill, Muswell Hill, London N10 3PJ.

Becky Morby
My fav is Pillars of the earth by Ken Follet love books about history xx
jane orford
Bleak house,, a tale of intrigue and twists
Mine is American Wife – the ‘win’ in it refers to her husband becoming the President of the United States… but it’s so much more than that. One of the best books I’ve ever read.
David Mitchell
Michael Morpurgo’s War Horse – a story of triumph of hope over adversity
Jodi Picoult – My Sisters Keeper
I’ve read this hundreds of times and it makes me cry every time! She captures all the conflicting emotions so well. Everyone should read it!
andrew nimmo
Fever pitch by nick hornby
gives the insight into a football fan in a relationship and supporting his football team
Mark Weddle
I would recommend ‘A Bloody Good Winner’ by Dave Nevison. Just finishing reading his book about his life as a professional punter. Gives some highs and lows of betting on the A.P , Dettori and all other great riders and the pitfalls of the game.
lisa woodhead
Pride and Prejudice….a classic must read
helen wigglesworth
would have to be david Jason, my life, just bought it last week, what a story, love him :-)
Katy Costello
I’d recommend Lord of the Rings – at it’s heart, it’s a story of an epic struggle, snatching victiry from the jaws of defeat, and dealing with the consequences of your actions.
Mine is Enter to Win! By Kirsten Jany – A book where competition has never been this deadly!!!
Helen Grayson
The sea sisters.
It’s a wonderful story and a real page turner. Something that you can really get into and relate to the characters.
A must read!
kay adeola
War Horse from Michael Morpurgo one of the most touching and amazing books i have ever read that brings me to tears everytime i read it.and shows the bond between human and animal at its strongest and best.
Sarah-Jane Laycock
A street cat named Bob – a fantastic book – how animals can reach places in the soul and turn a life around. Pathos and sheer joy go hand in hand within this spell binding read.
sue seaman
a champions story by bob champion such a courageous guy.
Martin Turner
Fantastic achievement – one of the greats.
Joanne Cullen
Leon McKenzie’s autobiography is inspiring
Martin Turner
Bradley Wiggins’ story – equally fantastic achievement
Joanne Cullen
Brilliant rider!
Joanne Cullen
I love Philippa Gregory’s historical achievements by women books
brendan mc
Any book by Dan brown. Loved the Da vinchi code. Also enjoy the odd dick francis novel.
Gail Holl
I love ‘To Hell and Back’ the true story of Audie Murphy. Unbelievable that a young boy managed to achieve all that and be the most decorated soldier in the American Army.
wendy stanger
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Catherine Mills
Empty Cradles (Oranges and Sunshine) by Margaret Humphries. Incredible true story of the British government sending children from childrens homes to Australia and telling parents they had been adopted and telling the children their parents had died. This book is written by the social worker who first heard these claims and what happened after. An absolute must read!