celebrate january

Seven Reasons to Celebrate January

Okay, the festivities are done and dusted for another year, the weather looks bleak and pay day feels like it’s light years away – but there’s no need to feel too down in the dumps.

Read on to find out the reasons why you should celebrate January…

Celebrate January

1. January is more often than not a great time for television. A lot of fresh shows and brand spanking new series are launched during this month, so if you do have to hibernate, at least you’ll be thoroughly entertained.

2. You have the rest of the year to look forward to. There 11 more months until next year starts, so think of the possibilities; all of those birthdays, weddings, parties and holidays you have planned are sure to put a smile on your face.

3. It’s Burns Night next week. Get some friends together, cook yourself up some haggis, neeps and tatties and enjoy a wee dram or two. Surely that’s a reason to celebrate, isn’t it?


4. The shortest day of the year is behind us, so we all have brighter mornings and longer days to look forward to.

5. Things have calmed down a little. Christmas is great, but with packed supermarket aisles, crammed shopping centres, festive to do lists and a calendar full of social occasions, it can get a bit much. January is the perfect month to put your feet up, clear your head and catch up on some reading (or whatever else you haven’t had time for).

6. You can now flick on the radio without the fear of hearing Noddy Holder screeching “It’s Chriiiiiiiiiiiiiistmas” at you. It’s all fun and games at first, but then it becomes an ear sore – every single year!

Noddy Holder

7. It’s February next month.

Did You Know? In Italy, people wear red underwear on New Year’s Day to bring them good luck all year long.

Do you have your own reasons to celebrate January or have you taken up something new? Tell us by leaving a comment below.

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