We’re Celebrating: National Limerick Day
This Sunday 12th May is National Limerick Day – a chance to celebrate the quirky and humorous poems popularised by Victorian writer Edward Lear.
Limericks are only five lines long and easy to create, so here at Red Letter Days, we’ve written a few inspired by some of our best experiences. So have a read and let us know what you think!
Can you come up with any limericks? Leave them below!

Carolyn Gardner
There was a young man from Bengal
Who went to a fancy dress ball
He thought he would risk it
and go as a biscuit
But the dog ate him up in the hall
matthew webster
There was a young man of Wigan
Whose limericks never would scan.
When they asked him, Why?
He said, with a sigh,
“It’s because I always try to get as many words into the last line as I possibly can.”
Thanks both, we are very impressed with your limericks! It may have been National Limerick Day last Sunday but we think any time is suitable to send someone a little ditty to brighten up their day – you certainly brightened ours.
best wishes
The Blog Team