Eight ways for mums to reclaim their ‘mumpaid labour’ this Mother’s Day
Ahead of Mother’s Day 2021, we’ve launched a campaign with Family Action to shine a spotlight on all the ‘mumpaid labour’ UK mums and parents have taken on over the past year. We want to recognise and thank you for all your hard work, and encourage you to go online and pledge to take back some time for yourselves – because you deserve it.
To inspire mums everywhere to take the time to do something they love, we’ve put together a starter for ten, with some ideas of things you can do to reclaim your mumpaid labour. Don’t forget to go online and pledge your time, first. We want to reclaim 100,000 hours of mumpaid labour before Mother’s Day!
1. Get outside and do something you enjoy

There’s nothing like fresh air, sunshine and some Vitamin D to make you feel great. The health benefits of being amongst nature have been well-documented. Research shows that spending just twenty minutes in a park – even if you don’t exercise whilst there – is enough to improve wellbeing. We don’t need to be asked twice!
You probably know your local park like the back of your hand after a year of national lockdowns, but nevertheless, why not take the time to get outside this Mother’s Day? Whether it’s a socially distanced walk or cycle with a friend, a jog somewhere pretty that you haven’t been to in ages, or some sunrise yoga in the garden on a sunny morning, getting some fresh air and getting outdoors is a great way to make yourself feel good this Mother’s Day. Don’t forget to wrap up warm!
2. Do something you never usually get time for – or that you’ve always wanted to try
Despite being in lockdown, it has been a busy year for lots of parents. If you’ve got young kids you might have been juggling homeschooling with your own work responsibilities. Even if you haven’t, the pressures of the last year and the emotional exhaustion of worrying about the health of friends and family is a lot to take on. There might be things you’ve wanted to do or try, that you just haven’t gotten around to.

If there’s one thing this year has taught us, it’s that you never know what’s around the corner. So within the limits of lockdown, there has never been a better time to seize the day and do that thing you’ve been thinking about. Whether it’s signing yourself up for a big challenge like a marathon or half-marathon, starting a new project like knitting or crochet, planting a new tree in the garden, or fulfilling a lifelong dream like starting your own business. This Mother’s Day, do something you’ve always wanted to do!
We’ve got lots of great ideas and experiences available at www.redletterdays.co.uk – from the luxurious to the adventurous. There’s no time like the present!
3. Do something you love (for free!) with a virtual event
To make it easier for mums and parents to do something for themselves this Mother’s Day, we’re hosting a series of free, virtual events on Saturday 13th March, to encourage mothers to take the time to do something they love. The events will be free to attend – and range from endorphin-boosting fitness classes, to mindfulness sessions and an inspiring talk from mums who’ve launched their own businesses. The full programme can be viewed *here*. Sign up for your free space!
4. Treat yourself to a pamper session

There are few things more restorative than treating yourself to a little bit of TLC – whatever that means for you. Whether it’s soaking in a bubble bath with your favourite scented candle and a book, popping on a face mask and painting your nails, or doing something therapeutic like cooking or colouring, taking the time to do something that makes you feel good is a great way to repay yourself for everything you have achieved this year.
5. Keep the kids busy for an hour so you can enjoy some quality quiet time
Sometimes it can be difficult to find a moment of peace and quiet when children are around. So this Mother’s Day, make it your mission to find a quiet hour to yourself to do something you love! That might mean putting on their favourite film to keep them occupied for a couple hours, or asking your partner to take them out of the house for an afternoon. We’re also putting on some fun, free activities for young kids on Saturday 13th March, so they can be kept entertained in one room whilst you enjoy some time to yourself in another. Sign them up here.
6. Ask someone in your household to do a job you’re always responsible for
What job do you do every week that you really don’t enjoy? Is it doing the weekly food shop, hoovering the stairs, taking out the bins or cleaning the bathroom? Time to redress the balance.
Ask someone you live with – whether that’s your partner or children – to make an effort to share more of the load. Ask them to take your least favourite weekly task off of your hands for good, so you can enjoy some much-deserved time to yourself each week.
7. Book something that you can look forward to
For many of us, weeks of lockdown have felt incredibly flat. We haven’t been able to book trips, holidays or evenings with friends to look forward to.
But all is not lost. You can still buy vouchers for fun experiences that you can look forward to, without booking an exact date. This way, you can commit to doing something you’ve always wanted to do, without the worry that it might get cancelled. At Red Letter Days we have hundreds of fun and memorable experience vouchers that you can hold on to, and use to book the experience as soon as you’re ready.
8. Do absolutely nothing

We really wouldn’t blame if the most appealing option right now was to take an hour or two to sit down, put your feet up and just be. This is completely valid, and taking some time to sit and process your thoughts is incredibly important. Don’t feel obliged to fill your precious pockets of free time with activities this Mother’s Day, if all you really want to do is sit on the sofa and rest up.