Ask Everyone: What Unusual Things Are You Doing Over Easter?
We did a quick straw poll round the office to find out what Red Letter Days staff are doing over Easter and got some very surprising responses.
While some people are going down the traditional route, opting for picnics and visits to theme parks, another will be continuing their tradition to hold an Easter egg hunt in a different park every year.
Easter is also one of the busiest times of the year to fly, and a few lucky colleagues will be heading off on short city breaks.
However, we did receive some slightly unusual responses from three members of staff – so read on to find out who in the company has a slightly more alternative Easter in store…
Gemma unexpectedly has her cousin Abrona staying over the holidays. Abrona was travelling in Bali when she had some personal effects stolen, including her green card!
Normally resident in the USA, Abrona has had to come to the UK and will head to the US Embassy to get replacement papers, then return to America. The silver lining is that she gets to see family for a long overdue reunion. Here are the girls together with Captain Hook when they were younger – aah!
We love a good reunion!
Rav, our Director of Business Development is going to Las Vegas the weekend before Easter for the big Manny Pacquaio boxing fight.
Then he is going to chill out in sunny Jersey for a few days, before diving into the madness of the Easter weekend in Marbella for a stag party.
Phew, those sentences are exhausting just to read. Rav, party on down dude!
Bill, our CEO has the strangest Easter of all. Despite being a dedicated family man (as you can see from the cute picture), he will be in a casino close to the famous Olympic Park, from midday on April 19, joining in WCOAP #10 World Amateur Poker Championship Main Event.
Bill told us “I will be playing over the three days from Saturday to Monday. Hopefully it will get over three hundred runners, and it’s part of my training for the main event in July in Vegas.
No bunnies, eggs or chicks anywhere! No fresh air or healthy walks. Just 12 hrs a day of sitting still and watching eight other players rattle some chips and waiting to take you out of the tournament.”
With family reunions, stag parties and trips to Vegas on the cards (no pun intended), no doubt Gemma, Rav and Bill will have some stories to tell when they get back from their Easter breaks.
Are you doing anything out of the ordinary this Easter?
IMAGES: RLD, Aiden and Images_of_Money via Flickr and Pixabay