A Selfie With Mum – Her Perfect Mother’s Day Gift
With so many articles debating the merits of the best presents out there, we decided to ask someone with first-hand experience. Meet Sarah, blogger and parent to two boys, who shares her perfect Mother’s Day gift with us.
Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate the special relationship between a mother and her children, what is the best gift you have ever received, or given on this occasion?
I think the most special gift I’ve been given for Mother’s Day in the past has simply been having Oscar and Alfie in my life. I don’t think I truly “got” motherhood before having them and it’s only now I understand what a true gift that has been in itself. Obviously Oscar’s only two and Alfie just one years old, so it’d be a little much to ask that they pop to the shops to buy me a present. So it’s very much up to my husband Chris to go out and buy me something on their behalves. He’s usually pretty good. That’s of course after a few subtle…okay who am I kidding…completely UNSUBTLE and OBVIOUS hints!
Is there something in particular that you really want for Mother’s Day?
Well I’m currently pregnant again, so anything chocolate related would go down a treat. In saying that, Oscar seems to be going through a “let’s wake up anywhere between 4am and 5.30am at the moment, which is like torture so if he could give me the gift of “I’m going to wake up at 9am on Sunday Mummy and give you a lovely lie in,” well that’d be just brilliant. Ooohhh on second thoughts, a 9am start AND a day at the spa would be amazing. Pushing my luck a little? Yeah Probably!
What is your favourite Mother’s Day memory? Have you ever done something really special for Mother’s Day?
Do you know when I read this question, a wash of guilt came over me. My Mum is quite literally my hero. Having two young children and one on the way is hard work at times and to add to the mix Oscar has Down Syndrome, which means that he can have a whole heap of appointments and therapies from time to time. From the moment he was born my mum said to me, that she’d be there no matter what. To help out, to look after Alfie when I had to take Oscar here, there and everywhere for various commitments; whatever I needed. She honestly goes above and beyond for us all on a weekly basis and I honestly couldn’t be more grateful. She deserves the world and the wash of guilt was probably because a card and flowers don’t seem enough. But I know what she’d say if I tried to buy her anything special or make a fuss. That it’s not about the grand gestures. It’s about spending quality time together. And honestly? She’d be just as happy, as I would, with a large bag of Cadbury’s mini eggs.
Has having your own child influenced the importance of this occasion for you?
I think having the boys has highlighted to me, just how amazing a job, not only my mum does, but every mummy does out there. A friend once said to me, if all your children are fed, watered and happy at the end of the day and everyone’s still alive, then you’ve done a good job! It’s all about survival. There’s such a massive pressure on us mums to be this perfect role model, when reality is, as long as you love your kids and they’re happy, then that’s all that matters. It’s lovely to have a day to mark the occasion though. To not only thank my Mum but to recognise all the mummy’s out there who are holding it together so well. Now if Chris could just remember my spa day this year though, then that’d be the icing on top of the cake.
You can find out more about Sarah and her sons over at Don’t Be Sorry. If you’re still deciding what to buy for your mum, fear not there’s still time left to choose from a range of great experiences here at Red Letter Days. Find the perfect Mother’s Day gift by checking out our Mother’s Day Gift ideas and choosing our instant e-voucher delivery option.
Images: sarah via Don’t Be Sorry and rld